This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

A Dream Come True!

>> Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I did it! I am finally a "mom-blogger-on-the-go"! I am not somewhere nearly as delicious as Panera or Starbucks, and I do not have a Peppermint Mocha sitting next to me, but I do have a Diet Coke! My kids are running around "Out of this World", burning off some (hopefully a LOT) of the "We-Miss-Our-Daddy" energy they have bottled up.

I am actually waiting for our Women's Minister to get here so we can have a meeting before our Bible study kicks off again in the morning. This was the best place for us to meet right now while Mark's schedule is ridiculous. This way, my kids have a place to play relatively unsupervised and I can have an adult conversation. Because my meeting is about to start, this blog post is going to be very short. I just couldn't resist the chance to blog while out and about. I've dreamed of it so many times, you know......


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