This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

Today I'm Thankful

>> Friday, February 6, 2009

I am feeling so warm and fuzzy today I'm wondering if that decongestant I took this morning was really something a little stronger. I'm finding myself overwhelmed with thankfulness. For some reason the little things (and the big things) are making me weep (literally....hormones) with joy. It's all kind of random and not really connected in any way, so I'm going to thrill you all with another list.

1. I started this morning by listening to the audio download of the video I missed at Bible study yesterday. I woke up early and listened to it while it was still dark and I was still comfy in my bed. My kids were still sleeping. It was amazing. It truly blew my mind. If you want to have your socks knocked off, go download Beth Moore's Esther Bible study, Session 4. You can find it at or on iTunes. It stands alone as a really relevant lesson even if you haven't been participating in the whole study. It was awesome.

2. I learned last night that 12 women from my church have signed up to bring meals for my Mother-in-Law. This is huge. I mentioned it to my friend, Jonna, who runs our Meals-on-Wheels program at church and thought maybe we'd get 4 or 5 women who would be willing (my MIL does not attend our church). This is going to be a tremendous blessing for my Mother-in-Law as she is going through the devastating loss of her husband. She does not have the joy of the Lord and is finding that grief is consuming her. I would love to see her come to know the Lord in a real way eventually and I think this outreach by my girlfriends at church is going to go a long way to touching her heart and warming her up to the idea of coming to church with us in the future.

3. I just found out from my Dad and then by reading my cousin's blog that a portion of my blog was read at my Grandma's service. It thrills me to know that even though I could not be there, I was still represented there. Thank you, Rachael!! It means a lot to me!

4. My Mom (and my Aunts) got tattoos in honor of my Grandma while they were in Los Angeles. I think that is so hilarious and awesome at the same time! The only thing I don't like about it is that I wasn't there to have it done, too. I will be soon, though. I saw my Mom's tattoo last night and it's totally gorgeous and tasteful. Really beautiful.

5. I just got word that one of my favorite people is going to have another baby!! Yay Susan and Ranjit!! Yohan is so stinkin''re going to have a tough time living up to that level of cuteness with this next one, but I have faith.

6. My girlfriend, Mary, who runs marathons (crazy) said I have been on her heart so much that she had a dream the other day that I was running the Chicago marathon with her. I about died laughing. That is nothing short of hilarious. There would be nothing cute about me trying to even run around the block....don't even get me started on running a marathon!

7. I'm going out with my family tonight to celebrate Kayla's birthday and then they're all coming over here to play games and eat cake. I've never been so excited to see my family in my life. I've never been so excited to laugh. It's going to be great.

8. I have a new episode of 'The Office' and '30 Rock' on my DVR waiting for me.

9. I recently tried Sonic's Cherry Limeade after hearing all about it on a few blogs and I have to tell you....I'm not sure how I've lived my life thus far without it. When my husband saw my expression when I was drinking it, he asked "Does it complete you?" and I said "It had me at hello. It had me at hello."

10. I am going to end the list now. I could seriously go on and on. God has just tendered my heart to all of my blessings this morning, big and small. I wanted to share some of them. There are more. Obviously. But these are the ones that are rocking my world this morning. I hope you all are having your socks blessed off, too. Have a great weekend!


Katie February 6, 2009 at 1:23 PM  

I'm soooooooooo glad to hear that you are having a better day! Plus I think that #5 on the list is way exciting. I'm also now feeling the need to drive to sonic, look forward to seeing you Sunday at 8ish so we can set up in the atrium.

Kimberly February 6, 2009 at 1:47 PM  

I'm realizing now (since you didn't know about the Narjala's, Katie), that I probably should have asked there permission before announcing it on my blog. Sorry, Narjala's if I let the cat out of the bag!

Oh, and PS....if you go to Sonic, make sure and have them give you extra cherries. They'll dump a ton of them in there for you. Seriously....I'm going to have to call Mark and have him stop and get me one on the way home. Don't forget....half price everyday from 2-4! That means you can get one for less than $1!!!

Kimberly February 6, 2009 at 1:47 PM  
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welchfam February 7, 2009 at 12:15 PM  

Yayy! You sound so refreshed. I am excited to here your day is going better... seriously, the words you wrote about Grandma were better than anything I could have said. It was an honor to have done it. Love you lots!
and a side note... I didn't get a tattoo either, we used a lot of money to fly down there... so maybe you and I can get one together in her honor:)

Anonymous,  February 7, 2009 at 2:22 PM  

Kim, your blog blesses me and I'm thankful every time I read it. Perhaps I'll get mine up and going one of these days!


Amy Guerino February 8, 2009 at 12:19 PM  

Kim ~
What a delight to be home sick from church (thanks to darling children bringing home the nasties from school) and read this post that is full of thanksgiving. When I'm sick, it is hard to be cup feels half empty. You have challenged me to see it half here goes (in response to your praises):
1. I'm loving my new Daily Bible Reading Plan in my new ESV Study Bible...the four readings in the day that take you to very different places often show me the overarching thread of God's redemptive plan and it blows me away! And I do enjoy popping in to Women's Bible Study when I can to see what you are being challenged by. I'm sorry I can't do it consistently (it is a health issue and parenting need, ultimately).
2. The reaching out of Harvest's women to you mom-in-love brought me to tears! You all know how to be conduits of grace. Thank you for approaching Jonna and thank you Jonna for your coordinating such a love offering to those who are hurting. She will feel touched by Jesus himself, whether that thought crosses her mind or not.
3. Blogging continues to amaze me at how it can be used for my own personal growth as I process what I'm learning and how it can be used to encourage and bless others.
4. The tattoo idea made me smile. Will your mom show me hers do you think?
5. I've heard about more pregnancies here on the web via blogs or facebook. Congrats to Susan and Ranjit.
6. I love how people think of us whether it is a dream or a thought that turns into a prayer and then takes the time to do it. I have two that I need to act on...and I will do it today! Thanks for the encouragement!
7. Family: my extended family is far from me but I had a lovely couple of phone conversations with my moms recently. I believe I get more one on one time (my love language) being at a distance and using the phone. May sound silly but when the pangs of missing them comes (can't celebrate b-days together) I hold onto that bonus.
8. I have delightful movies and books that give me new sights, sounds, and thoughts. I've blogged about a few just recently.
9. Sonic's Cherry Limeade: I have a friend that lives in Gresham that loves these too. Next time I see her...I need to take the time to get one before meeting her downtown. Do you think it would last the trip? Thanks for the half off tip. I haven't tried one myself. Is it artificial flavors and colors or more natural?
10. While I am sick, my mommy break/friend appointments to Peet's happened on my heart is full before having to be left alone to rest and try to get better before another busy week.

Thanks for the reminder to always find things to be thankful for. You are a blessing and your comments on Matt's blog are may have worried too much. :)

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