My list of Excuses....
>> Sunday, October 5, 2008
Two weeks before the wedding, I was getting my haircut. Jackie, the gal who cuts my hair, and I were chatting away about all of the things that had been going on in preparation for the wedding. She jokingly asked "What are you going to do when the wedding is over? You're going to be so bored!" I laughed and agreed with her that life was going to come to a screeching halt once Kevin and Kayla were married. I was very much looking forward to it.
I was dead wrong.
What I forgot to factor in is that things are just busier now as my kids get older. Until very recently, my kids were not involved in anything specific. Yes, we had playdates, and yes, they went to Sunday School, but there was no real obligation for them to be anywhere at any time. Their schedule was my schedule and I could determine when or even if there was anything on the calendar. That has all changed.
Monday nights Elijah has AWANA. It's been such a joy to help him memorize God's word and learn about what it means. This means he has homework every week. Not only memorization, but there are stories for me to read him and projects that help him to understand what he's learning about. This has been a very sweet time for us as we do this every week, but it's added an obligation we didn't have before. Just the fact that we have to get him to club every week on time has been a challenge. And speaking of Monday nights.....
Mark and I have a small group with two other couples during AWANA every Monday. This is not new, but we just restarted after taking the Summer off, and I'm surprised at how much more challenging it is to get there and get Elijah to club with his book, bag, dues, homework and dinner in his tummy first.
Tuesday and Thursdays Elijah has preschool and he truly has blossomed so much in the last few weeks. He has always had quite a bit of social interaction for his age since we are so involved in church, but there is something quite remarkable about his development since starting school. He has friends he looks forward to seeing and asks every morning if it's "school day". He's so proud of the projects he gets to make and bring home, and we've gotten a special box for him to put them in so that Micah doesn't destroy them. While he's at school on Tuesdays, Micah and I have met girlfriends at the park (although the rain is finally here, so that is probably done) and ran errands that would ordinarily be outside of my comfort zone with two kids. Micah has really enjoyed having Mommy to himself and Mommy feels the same way about him.
Thursdays during preschool is my Women's Fall Bible study and already it's off to a great start! We are having a great time studying The Patriarchs. I have, in the last couple of years, become slightly obsessed with being the spiritual seed of Abraham:
Consider Abraham: "He believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." Understand, then, that those who believe are children of Abraham. The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you." So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. Galatians 3:6-9
The fact that Christ was (and is) a Jew and that the Jews are God's chosen people has become a fascinating topic for me. I love the richness of tradition of the Jewish culture and faith. I am so thankful that God adopted us Gentiles into his family, but studying the life of a true Jew is a fascination of mine at the moment. Being able to now do an in-depth study of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob totally "floats my boat".
I am also in the throws of putting together (along with my girls Katie, Katrina, Kari-Ann, Julie and Glynna) the biggest Women's' Event we've had at church in a long time. It is happening this Friday and I promise to tell you all about it.
So, consequently, my life has not slowed down at all since the wedding. All that time I was blaming it on my brother's nuptials, but the truth was, life has just gotten busier. But I am blessed with it. It keeps me busy and it keeps my life abundant. As a stay-at-home mom, there are days when it's easy to just "exist" and not really live. I am getting to teach my children about Jesus in a much more tangible way than ever and see them talk about Him in casual conversation (which makes my heart have no idea). I am getting to spend sweet, special time with both of my boys individually, which hasn't really happened since Micah was born. They've always been together. And I'm getting to participate in, facilitate and watch women come together and study, grow and fellowship.
God is good. He's keeping me busy. But I miss my blog, so I'm going to try and make it back more frequently. Sorry I've been MIA for so long. Time flew by while I was too busy to notice.
I want to do the Patriarchs. And Kudos to having Elijah in Cubbies. It was too late at night for our family.... plus, my oldest and i fought over the memorization stuff. So, I'm glad to hear about your life!
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