Down Time
>> Sunday, August 3, 2008
Mark just walked in the room to ask me if I had anything going on tomorrow. I can not tell you the joy I had in telling him that not only did I not have anything going on tomorrow, the first time this week I will be required to leave my house is Thursday night for Bible study. As much fun as I have had these last few weeks, I am thrilled to be able to see open space in my schedule.
I spent yesterday fighting off a cold my Mom was trying to share with me (poor thing....I'm usually the one trying to share my colds with her). I had a scratchy, sore throat and a sniffly nose. By the time I got home from the simulcast and then lunch (and dessert!) afterwards with the girls, I was feeling down-right lousy. I had had all sorts of intentions of spending an afternoon and evening with my kids and then my husband, but the only one I ended up spending time with was my pillow. I woke up this morning feeling about the same, so we played hooky from church and can I tell was good for my soul. The Lord and I talked about it and He totally understood. I laid in bed and watched FOX news, Food Network and QVC. I drank lots of fluids and ate a wonderful breakfast, prepared by my unbelievable husband. He took the kids to Costco for me and I got to turn off the TV and have a little church right here in my bedroom. The Lord and I spent some quality time together and I feel refreshed.
This afternoon my kids and I are going to my parent's house where they can swim and play in the sandbox while Mark, my Dad and a friend of ours hit the movies (they are going to see that movie that everyone is talking about these days but looks a little evil to me). There will then be BBQ-ing and Wii playing. Does it get any better than that?!
I hope you all are having wonderful, refreshing weekends, too. See you tomorrow (with Menu Monday)!
Isn't it glorious to have some unscheduled time?!
Found your site while surfing CWO. :-)
Blessings ...
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