>> Friday, August 1, 2008
Tonight I had the amazing opportunity to attend the first part of Living Proof Live's simulcast at a local church. It will continue on tomorrow morning, and I can't wait (even though it means waking up before any hour I usually find appropriate). Beth did not disappoint, and if you have read this blog for any period of time, you know that I have done several of Beth's studies and have considered them life changing. This event is amazing because it is taking place in 715 locations world wide, with over 70,000 women in attendance. I am not too proud to tell you that as I stood and sang "In Christ Alone/Christ the Solid Rock" (led by Travis Cottrell), and realized that there were that many women singing it at the same time, I bawled like an absolute baby. I know that if God can be pleased at the sound of any joyful noise for Him, He had to be absolutely overcome tonight as He heard that. I am so thankful to have been a part of it. I just can't wait until tomorrow!
PS....do yourselves a favor. Check out the song '2000 years' on Travis' site. It's unreal. I downoloaded it tonight on iTunes and have been listening to it for the last half an hour.
Wow! This post just makes me that much more excited that I'm going to San Antonio. It's amazing to me that God knew how desperately I would need it. I signed up for it all to see a friend, and now my heart is longing for the nourishment that will come from attending such an event!
R <><
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