Monday, Monday
>> Monday, August 4, 2008
It's Monday.
I usually hate Mondays. They mean that the weekend is over and Mark's marathon work hours are beginning again.
This week is different, however. Yes, the weekend is over. Yes, Mark will have to work late most days. The difference is that this week begins a slow down in pace that I am overjoyed about. I have no reason to leave my house until Thursday and, with the exception of taking my kids for walks in the sun, that is probably exactly what will happen. I imagine the next three days will be spent in great part in our pajamas, laying on the floor reading books, building with Legos and playing "Lucky Ducks". The kids will go to bed and I will read. Or watch a movie. Or play Wii. Or do nothing. It all sounds heavenly.
It does mean, however, that Menu Monday is not going to be at all exciting. Mark will not be home for dinner most nights this week, so I will be eating Lean Cuisines or salads or wraps or something equally easy. My husband and I have made a pledge, though, that we will not be spending any money this week. This is something we used to do all the time when our budget was a little tighter. We would consider it a challenge to never spend money on a weekday (obviously this is not referring to emergencies). On the weekends we ran our errands and occasionally splurged on dinner out or renting a movie. The weekdays were for eating what was already in the house, watching what was already in the house, reading what was already in the house and wearing what was already in the house. It worked really well stretching those paychecks between paydays. Since we've had a little more give in our budget, though, we've become pretty lax with our rules. So starting today, assuming no one has to go to the emergency room, we will not spend any money until Friday evening (when the weekend begins in my mind). We have plenty of milk, diapers, fresh fruit and veggies and bread. I will not bid on anything on eBay, buy anything on QVC or do any other online shopping (I'm terrible about that. It's way too easy to click-click-click away money).
So I'll let you know how things go. Thanks so much for letting me put these things out there that I need accountability for. I can't believe how much difference it makes in my resolve when I know that I have put something out there for all the internet to see. The shame involved in having to confess to the 7 of you who read this blog that I blew it is enough to keep me on track. Thank you so much!
Have a good Monday, friends and family!
Your week sounds enviable. Enjoy the jammies and legos. Just don't even click on the sites this week that allow for purchases. I'm hoping next week (when we get back from camp) we'll get to have a week like yours!
R <><
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