This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

Tidying Up

>> Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I feel like I owe some updates to you who read my blog. I have mentioned lately that I have several people in my life who are facing medical challenges. In order to give God the glory He is due (and also not leave you hanging), here are some updates.

**The friend with cancer #1) She is a dear friend from my Thursday morning Bible study who has been fighting with cancer for 9 years now. During a recent, routine MRI, they saw something suspicious. She had a PET scan to follow up and they found nothing new (praise the Lord!). For now they are going to wait until her next MRI (she has them quarterly) to see if there is anything worth treating at that time.

**The friend with cancer #2) She is a friend of my parents, and her 13-year-old daughter is also in the Sunday School class I teach. She successfully fought breast cancer 12 years ago, and it is back again with a vengeance. It is in her bones, which are now breaking randomly due to the cancer. I wish I had excellent news for her physically, but for the time being, I do not. What I do have is news that she is in excellent spirits and is resting in the Lord.

**The friend in a coma) He is the husband of a dear, dear friend of my Aunt's. He unexpectedly collapsed on April 27th and was given very little hope of surviving more than hours or days. I am thrilled to report that he is awake, talking (a little) and is going to make it! Praise God! I received an email from my Aunt yesterday giving God all sorts of glory and praise for the miracle He has worked in this situation.

**The friend who needed open-heart surgery) He is the husband of a sweet friend of mine from my Thursday morning Bible study. She and her husband are both my age, so to have open-heart surgery was unusual. He had some heart defects from birth that created the need for this, but they hadn't expected to need it so soon. My friend was a basket case at first, but glory to God, she worked it out and by the time the surgery rolled around, she was leaning on Everlasting Arms and was a picture of the Lord's peace to those around her. He had his surgery last Wednesday and is recovering well.

There are more stories like these that I could tell, but these are the ones I have mentioned and thought I would follow up about.

I also wanted to mention a few odds and ends about the blog. I am currently contemplating another change to the appearance, so my sidebar is missing some stuff. Every time I change the look of my blog, all of the links and pictures, etc, need to be re-added. I will re-add them once I have stopped messing around with things on here. At that time, please look for some new, exciting links, including some dear friends and my pastor's blog. I can't recommend his blog enough. I am so glad I get to hear him speak every week! He has a very intelligent perspective on Christianity (among other things) and he has a lot of good things to say on his blog. In is a link to it for now.

Hope you are all enjoying June so far. It doesn't feel much like summer yet where I'm sitting, but if you know me well you know that is just fine with me!!


Matt Guerino June 4, 2008 at 2:35 PM  

Wow, thanks for the kind and encouragig words about my writing and speaking! Sometimes in my line of work you throw a lot of words and ideas out there, but it's difficult to know how God is using them. It's nice to get a glimpse sometimes!


Unknown June 4, 2008 at 10:29 PM  

I'll check out your pastor's blog. Thanks for the recommendation. Also, I love change, so I look forward to see what you'll do next.
Oh, and on the summer note: It's been in the upper 90's back home in OK. I'm loving the mountains this time of year. I'm not really looking forward to going back!

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