If a blog is posted in the forest and no one is there to read it, does it still make a sound?
>> Friday, April 24, 2009
I have no idea what caused me to be away from my blog for so long. It was not a planned hiatus, nor was I lacking in things to blog about. Since I last posted, my husband had his backpack stolen, which happened to include his wallet. This created a month's worth of blog posts right there as I dealt with banks, credit card companies and insurance agents. I also started my own home business and got to see my BFF Beth Moore live and in person. I just never made my way to the computer to type out some mediocrity about any of those things. In fact, until yesterday, I think I had decided that the blog and I had parted ways. I decided it had been too long, and surprisingly, I hadn't missed it very much.
But yesterday, in the course of just a couple of hours, I received a handful of requests about where I'd been and why I wasn't blogging, and I realized that I really DID miss my blog. I missed having an outlet and a place to put down some thoughts about life and kids and Jesus. So I think I'm back. Rather than trying to put together any sort of post right now beyond this one, I will just leave it at that. I think I'm going to start blogging again. Try and contain your excitement.
I grinned really big when my feed showed me that you posted! Welcome back, and yes..... the sound is still and always heard by God, the One that really counts!!!
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