The Wii
>> Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Honestly, I feel like the Wii deserves it's own blog post. I babbled on about it so much prior to getting it that I felt like I had not done it justice yesterday when I mentioned it. If I knew how, I would have added some kind of drum roll and fanfare to the announcement.
I have a very generous Aunt and Grandma who took pity on my incessant whining about the Wii and purchased one for us for Christmas. The beautiful thing is that I did not have to wait until Christmas to get it. I just had to promise to remember that my Christmas present had already been given to me come holiday time. No problem.
Seriously, I have had my Wii since Saturday and it has already been such a source of joy in our house. Last night, instead of watching something mindless on the TV, Mark and I played a couple of games of tennis and then bowled a couple of games. In our living room! We were both out of breath and sweaty when we were done, but neither one of us had realized we were working that hard until it was all over. That's my kind of exercise! We also let Elijah stay up and play for awhile, and his new favorite game is fishing. He jumps up and down like a nut every time he catches a fish.
I know that video games can have a bad reputation as being time-wasters and couch-potato-creators, but the Wii is the opposite of that. It brings our family a lot of together time (time that we would probably be watching TV and not necessarily interacting) and gets us up and active.
Thank you so much, Aunt Maureen and Grandma! We love our Wii and we love you!
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