Where to Begin....
>> Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The last couple of weeks in our house have been ridiculous, which I've alluded to. Every bit of it (except the jury duty and Mark's late nights at work) has been fun, fun, fun.
Last Saturday was the Women's Breakfast at church, so I spent Friday evening decorating the church and running more errands for last minute things. A few of us from Women's leadership even ended the evening at a girlfriend's backyard, which (unbeknownst to us until that night) is a Tiki Tropical Paradise. It is decorated to the hilt and I thought I had been transported to the Islands. We sat around a fire pit, with our feet in a sand pit, lounging on bamboo chairs as the sun set around us. There may have even been margaritas (but not for anyone who is on paid staff at church. Ahem.). The next morning I was back at church bright and early for our breakfast, which was an enormous success.
From there I went home, changed clothes and headed off to my future Sister-in-Law's bridal shower. The wedding is now only a handful of weeks away, which is unbelievable to me. The shower was wonderful, Kayla looked beautiful (as always) and the friends and family members that I met were darling.
Once my Mom and I made our way home from there, Mark and the kids met up with us and we all went out for dinner. All in one day. I'm exhausted just typing it....how did I ever live it? It was wonderful, that's how.
On Sunday it was time to spend time with my husband and my kiddos since I had been away from them so much. After church we piled in the car and headed to the Portland Children's Museum. It was our first visit, but it will definitely not be our last. I won't say anymore about it because I have lots of pictures to share with you, once I get them downloaded to the computer. Needless to say, we had a blast!
All of a sudden the weekend was over and it was time to be up at the crack of dawn on Monday because I had a bright and early dentist appointment. My teeth are clean and sparkling and I love it! Mark has had to work late every night this week (again) and I had jury duty. Fortunately that is over.
So here I am, heading into another busy weekend. Tomorrow night is my weekly Women's Summer study that I lead and then Friday night and Saturday morning we are headed to the Beth Moore Simulcast at a local church. After that, life should quiet down to a dull roar (it can't quiet down too much....there's a wedding coming up, after all!) and I should be back to blogging regularly again.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't like being this busy. It can get in the way of relationships. In fact, we had to cancel on a BBQ with friends for Sunday because we felt it was important for us to spend time just the four of us. I believe we made the right decision, but that has the unfortunate consequence of making our friends feel unimportant. (Fortunately, these are some of our best friends, so they understood.) This has just happened to be a perfect storm of things all happening in the space of two weeks. So that's where I've been. Well, that and tinkering with my blog design, which I think I'm finally happy with (for now)!
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