Split Personality
>> Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I'm really struggling with my new design. I can't decide which way to go. I feel like this blog is, in general, fairly serious. Not always, but mostly. I focus a lot on my faith, which I take very seriously. Not that the Lord doesn't make me jump for joy and laugh with glee. He does. Those things are just harder to convey in words.
The dilemma I'm facing is that I'm not really all that serious of a person. I love to laugh. LOVE it. The people I choose to spend the most time with are all funny and I like to think I hold my own among them. The problem is, most of the things I feel led to share on this blog aren't very funny (some are, though, and I hope you all enjoy them). So I'm teaching myself (very remedial) HTML and making all kinds of different blog headers (on GIMP, if you're wondering) and my split personality is making it impossible for me to decide on a design. So bear with me. I'm going to just keep trying on new outfits until I find one that fits.
PS...I've officially fulfilled my civic duty as a juror for the next two years and can get back to real life.
If it makes any difference, I like this look (the Apple one).
And since you're in the process of changing things around, thought I'd suggest adding a 'Subscribe via email' option. This will allow folks who aren't familiar with RSS to subscribe to your blog with regular ol' email. I use feedburner.com for this (another Google acquisition). It will also give you detailed stats about your blog. Will be happy to help with setting this up if you'd like.
I love how this looks. I've been missing out on reading blog updates here at camp. I check in when I can and I loved the feel of this when I got to it!
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