A Rushed Post
>> Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My morning started a little bit strange today. I never heard my kids on the monitor (I think the white noise of fans and air conditioners drowned them out). Mark worked late again last night (what's new) so by the time he got home (11) and we unwound and he ate dinner, I was up way too late. So I was dead asleep this morning when Elijah started banging on the kids' bedroom door because he had to go potty. It was 8:15! I have no idea how long they had been up! Praise the Lord nothing serious happened!
So anyway, I've been playing catch-up all morning. No shower for me yet and only one of the beds made. I do, however, already have dinner made for tonight, because I wanted to get it done before the heat sets in. We're having Chipotle Chicken Salad, so I could make it all ahead of time and just assemble it when Mark gets home (which, Lord willing, will be ON TIME tonight), and I did make the Grilled Chicken with Gnocchi that I promised last night, so I'm 2 for 2 so far!
Alright....I'm off to finish getting caught up on my day. Hope you all have a great one!
I'm proud of you that dinner is already made :) I just cancelled my dinner guests b/c of how my day is going.
Mmmm... chipotle chicken! Enjoy! And for your sake, I hope your hubby comes home at a more than reasonable time!
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