>> Monday, July 21, 2008
We are in a season of life that is extremely busy. This is very unusual for Summer and I don't care for it all that much. Oh, I love all the fun I'm having at all of the fun things I have scheduled to have fun at, but I don't like the fact that I don't have any down time. I am someone who requires down time.
I also have very strong opinions about over-scheduling oneself. I believe it is arrogant. To fill up my calendar to bursting is to tell God that I know what's best for my time, thankyouverymuch and if He has something He'd like for me to do, then He will have to just pencil Himself in like everyone else. When I look back at times in my life when I have had the privilege of seeing God use me profoundly, it was when my schedule was fairly open. I was able to build relationships and meet needs. I was able to invite people over and help people move if they needed it. Meeting some one's physical needs will go a long way to earning the right to speak into their lives about spiritual things.
I've recently joined our Women's Ministry leadership team at church. Something I have been praying for for a long time and am very excited to be doing. I feel like God has very clearly and loudly called me into this position, so I am confident it is where God intends to use me for now. Yet it has already begun to fill up my calendar. With fun and fellowship and ministry and excitement. I love it all. I wouldn't change it. However, I pray that I would have discernment about when to say 'when'. I pray that as I build new relationships with the women at church, my first priority would always be for their hearts, and not just for their attendance.
Lord, thank you so much for fellowship and activities. Thank you for friends and family to spend time with. Thank you for the means to do all of these things. Father God, I pray that you would always keep my priorities straight. I pray that you would always give me a heart for relationship. I pray that my eyes would always be fixed on You and Your purpose. For my life, for my ministries and for my time. Amen.
I hear your heart on the over booking stuff. It is down-right exhausting. Women's ministry can be some of the most time consuming of all. I pray that the Lord will help you to balance your time well in that ministry. I volunteered to take on like one event and I can't believe how much time it has taken (and is taking). I just throw a word of caution in your direction. Even in the name of serving, be careful!
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