>> Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I had several short errands to run last night. The list of stops was long, but the visits would be short. The kind of evening that sucks the gas right out of your car. Since tonight is Mark's late night at work and tomorrow is my Bible Study, I knew I didn't want my errands to take up too much of the evening. There was only one task that was going to cause me any sort of potential delays. I was on a mission to find door prizes for our Women's breakfast this Saturday. Because our Women's Ministry spares no expense, I went to the Dollar Tree.
During my quiet time yesterday, I had prayed over the list of things I had to accomplish during the day. I lingered for a moment over my trip to the Dollar Tree, asking Him to bless me with discernment about exactly what to purchase. I knew I wanted something cute and fun, yet not too predictable or cheap "looking" (something that can be difficult to dodge at the Dollar Tree). I really didn't want to have to spend an hour there, scanning the aisles, looking for buried treasure. I just wanted to go in, find it, and get back home to my husband.
So after dinner, Mark put on the kids' shoes and took them for a walk to the park, and I put on my shoes and headed out the door for my marathon errand session. UPS store? Check. Party City? Check. Bank? Check.
Finally it was time to hit the store where everything is a dollar. I braced myself for digging through disorganization, looking for candles or lotion or something acceptable to give to a woman who had just won a hula hoop contest. I meandered down the aisles for a few minutes, glancing at this and that, but not being struck by anything in particular. I found some cute little nail polishes, and thought they might be fun, until I saw that the brand on the bottle was "Sweet Seduction". Not exactly the kind of thing I needed to be handing out at a church function.
Then I saw it. The perfect prize! It was fun, it was cute, it was practical and (best of all) it fit in with our theme! I scooped up the required amount, along with goody bags to wrap them up in, and I was on my way, having only spent about 10 minutes on a job that could have taken much longer.
The Lord cares about the little stuff. I was reminded of that last night. He heard my prayer. He knew it was my heart to be home in the evening with Mark (and my Wii), and He made it happen. Please don't forget to pray about the little stuff, too. Yes, He created the heavens and the earth. Yes, He parted the Red Sea. Yes, He raised from the dead. But He also sent the perfect door prize to the shelf of the Dollar Tree last night. Praise Him that He is so ALL powerful. He doesn't have to pick and choose which prayers He has time for. He can handle it ALL.
This is so good!! He does care about the little things. He delights in us taking even the littlest things to Him. <><
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