My joy
>> Thursday, September 20, 2007
This morning was the first morning back of our Women's Bible Study for the Fall. I have been looking forward to it for weeks, counting the days. In one group of women I have the sweetest friends and the most amazing mentors. I am truly blessed. We are studying Beth Moore's Breaking Free and my excitement is beyond words. This is not my first study of hers and God has always used her to push me forward. I have a love of Scripture that has very much to do with her exposing me to new ways of studying it.
This morning was like a breath of fresh air. Even though I had seen many of these women on multiple occasions over the summer, it was good to finally be together again for the mutual purposes of studying God's Word, praying for one another and building relationship. To be around these women is to truly know what Paul meant in Philippians when he talks about his friends "being his joy". God blesses us with joy through our friendships. I had even had the privilege of meeting a new friend over the summer who came this morning and brought her sister.
God is good. He blesses me with joy through so many sources. I have an amazing husband, beautiful children, tremendous family and wonderful friends. Too often I find myself counting the things I go without instead of my blessings. I was reminded this morning of how fortunate I am. I am loved by so many and get to love so many in return. I get to study God's word and embark on a journey to being more free and liberated in Christ. The God of the Universe has called me to be a mighty warrior and to have victory over sin. It is my legacy in Christ that I will inherit His Kingdom and live eternally. I may not always be able to be happy, but I should only ever be joyful.
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