>> Thursday, August 23, 2007
Because we have been warming up to the idea of looking for a house (an idea made even warmer by our impending lease expiration), my husband has been doing a lot of searching for properties online. In general, I don't want to join, because until I have met with a realtor and know what I can afford, looking at properties is just frustrating and depressing for me. Not only that, I fully believe that God is going to have to provide us with some sort of miracle house in order for us to afford something that will fit all of us. I didn't really believe that an online property search was going to be God's vehicle of delivery. I hope that I am wrong.
Last Thursday, Mark came home from work with a property to show me online. It was the first home that I had seen that was "in our price range" (we will see) and wasn't a condo, townhome, duplex or way out in the boonies. It is way more house than I ever dreamed we could afford. Taking our virtual tour through the property, we were shown lots of reasons why the house isn't more highly priced: mirrored walls in the living room, unkempt garden boxes in the backyard, lots of paneling and the ugly mural straight out of 1978 (I know, I know...retro is cool. Not this kind of retro) in one of the bedrooms. None of this bothered me at all. A little elbow grease and several coats of paint, and it is my dream home! This was the first time I became excited about looking for a house. Not because I want that one (although I wouldn't mind), but because I started to feel hopeful that God is going to let this happen.
Unfortunately, this process has started to go to my head. They say that buying a home is one of the top 5 stresses you can go through. Right up there with losing a loved one. While I always believed this statistic, I didn't know it would be so true. I have not even met with a realtor yet (our appointment is for Saturday), and I am finding it hard to sleep at night. In my mind I am alternately decorating my new home, balancing our new budget or reeling with disappointment because I am certain it will never happen. Do you see now why I need prayer to be content? I am not proud of the fact that I am responding this just seems to be happening to me. Not during the day. During the day I am prayerful and I nip the thoughts in the bud as they creep up on me. This is all taking place at 1 or 2 in the morning when I'm sleepy but can't find rest. Several nights in a row, now, I have gotten a mere 4 or 5 hours sleep due to this. That is not nearly adequate sleep to take care of a baby and a toddler.
So I struggle. How much excitement is appropriate and how much is destructive? How much realism is being practical and how much of it is a lack of faith in our God? I'm hopeful that once I meet with our realtor, and several of my questions are answered, I will be able to move forward with a little less turmoil. But Saturday is still 2 days (and 2 long nights) away. If I don't get some kids are going to be able to take over. So if you don't mind...say a prayer for me. Clearly I need it.
Going on most mortgage company/bank websites and putting in your figures will help you determine what you can afford, don't let the realtor do it for you.
It's interesting that you're going through this. We just put our house on the market and have been looking for a long time for a replacement.
Thanks for that bit about it being stressful-- we certainly agree.
We're going with a mortgage broker to get us the best deals-- it's just incredible the amount of different options that are available.
You also want to stay away from the 30 year mortgage and ARMs if you can-- since they end up giving the bank much more of your money
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