I don't remember giving birth to a potato....
>> Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Every Friday during the school year, a couple of girlfriends and I take our kids to a local church for their Indoor Park. It's wonderful. It is a safe place to take the kids and let them run off some steam without having to worry about what the weather will be. It is also great because the moms can actually relax (to some degree) because, unlike an actual park, the kids are confined within the 4 walls of the (quite large) room they are in. There are a ridiculous number of toys and structures available for them to play with, climb on and slide down, and my son always leaves very sweaty and red-faced, which is the way I like it!
I like it so much, in fact, that I decided to start my own Indoor Park at my church. Getting it off the ground was a rocky road, but I am happy to report that as of January 2007, my home church has an Indoor Park. This meant that I now had TWO days a week, even in the rainiest of weather, to take my son somewhere and let him burn off some of that testosterone God has blessed him with. At the same time that was happening, I was making new friends. It was a win-win-win (that's an "Office" reference for those of you who don't know) situation. One of the moms I met at Indoor Park was a mom of fraternal twins, a boy and a girl. Every week, the little boy twin would show up carrying one of his sisters shoes. Just one. Always his sisters. Never his mothers, brothers or fathers. Always his twin sisters. I thought it was terribly cute and said a lot about the special attatchment twins have. He couldn't bear to not be close to something that represented the sister he had shared a womb with for 9 months. Which brings me to the point of my post....
Elijah has become obsessed with his "Mr. Potato Head" hats. There are three. A yellow one, a blue one and a green one. He needs to have all three at all times and if one goes missing, the world comes to a screeching halt until it is found. I'm not sure what this says about my son. I've heard that it is normal, and even good, for a child to have a "lovey". Some object that represents security to them. I always imagined this would be a blanket, or a stuffed animal. Not three plastic hats. These are the strange things the parenting books don't tell you about. For now I'm not seeing any reason to intervene with the hats, but I may be making a mistake. Do any of you have any experience with such things and some advice? I'd love it!
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