This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

My Grandma

>> Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I have the best Grandma. I know everyone feels that way, but I really do. I'm not the only one who thinks so. When I was growing up, all of my girlfriends loved my Grandma, too. Probably because she was the kind of Grandma who would check out the cute boys with us at Baskin Robbins and comment on their "cute butts" (Gina, I know you're laughing at the memory right now). She was never the conventional Grandma who baked cookies and sewed. She was the kind of Grandma who shopped til she dropped and loved a glass of Merlot. She was sassy and silly. She loved to laugh and crack a joke. She retained the Irish accent she acquired while growing up on the Emerald Isle and passed down a love for all things Celtic to me, her "#1 Granddaughter". Not because I was her favorite (don't worry, Rachael), only because I was first. She called me "Kimmie" and was the only person I enjoyed hearing call me that. She was a democrat but only because her husband had been. She couldn't tell you why, only that she thought Bill Clinton was really cute. Once, while my family was visiting her during the 1996 elections, we stuck a "Bob Dole" bumper sticker on her van without telling her. It was hilarious.

I'm rambling on and on. This post doesn't have much of a point. It's just my way of dealing with the fact that as of this morning, my beloved Grandma is in a coma. The doctors said that it's time to gather the family. I will not be able to gather with the family because she lives too far away and I have two small boys. It's OK. She knows how much I love her. The truth is, this is ultimately a good thing. Between her cancer, the chemo, and all of the other random ailments you suffer with as you age, she has not been able to enjoy life the way she would have liked the last few years. When she was first diagnosed with cancer, the doctors only gave her 9 months, so the fact that the Lord has let us keep her for several years is a miracle in itself. It looks like Jesus is finally ready to take my Grandma home. I can't blame Him. She's a lot of fun.


Anonymous,  January 28, 2009 at 2:34 PM  

Yeah, Grandma is the best. Better than any grandma I ever had. From the first time I ever met her at Baskin Robbins to cheering for random guys at the Bend Bike Race I have loved Grandma. She will be missed. Know I am hugging you tight. She will be missed, greatly.

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