This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

Spring Beginnings

>> Tuesday, April 22, 2008

So I've been MIA from my blog AGAIN for far too long. It's a vicious circle. Life keeps me away for longer than I'd like and then I feel too guilty about how long I've been absent to write anything, so even more time goes by.

Tonight my bloggy friend Rachel over at A Heart Assessment inspired me to try and get back on the blogging horse. She has a new blog template and linked to the site she received it from. For FREE. So I decided that was just what I needed to get excited about my blog again. Breathe some life into it. You'll notice that there is a lot missing from my sidebar. Over the next few days, some of them will make their way back and some of them won't. I also may not stick with this particular template. We'll see. This made me feel happy and springy, though, so for now it will do the trick.

Thanks, Rachel for the tip!


Unknown April 23, 2008 at 8:34 AM  

I didn't know if you were even reading anymore....I know how the breaks happen, then it's hard to "get back into it." I didn't want to be intrusive in asking where you were, but I'm glad to see you back, with a new spring look. I previewed like 5 of them and I even chose one and didn't like one thing after I had started changing everything....but, now slowly, I too am getting all the page elements "fixed" again :)

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