Black Friday
>> Thursday, September 13, 2007
I spent the better part of my high school career and the years just after high school working in a mall. I worked in two stores specifically, one being an Orange Julius and the other was a video retailer, where I was management. I look back on those years with great fondness. I made a lot of friends, some of whom I am still friends with to this day, and I had a lot of fun! My favorite time of year, hands-down, was the 6 weeks between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. The time went by so quickly, because we were always so busy, and people would buy just about anything we were selling (being in management, seeing those big holiday numbers was quite a high!). Most of the customers were in great spirits....looking forward to the holidays and buying things for loved ones. The ones who weren't in a good mood became a challenge. It became our job to put them in a good mood before they left our store, and often times we were successful. The Christmas carols were playing, the decorations were everywhere, and being a part of the hustle and bustle was a joy!
Fast forward a few years and you could not pay me enough to face those crowds. I am older and have far less energy. My girlfriend, Jonna, wakes up every year on Black Friday and heads out the door by 6 am to get all the good deals. Every year she invites me to go and every year I tell her she has lost her mind. She swears I am missing out on the best deals of the season by not going with her, and until today, she may have been right. That is no longer true, however, because I now have a secret weapon! It's called blackfriday and it is awesome! It gives you advanced info on what's going to be in the sale ads the day after Thanksgiving for stores like Toys R Us, Target and Kohls! The site also allows you to purchase those items from the site at the discount, instead of having to wait in line at the stores. I don't know about you, but after a fun-filled, late-night Thanksgiving, the last thing I want to do is be up the next day trying to fight the crowds in the parking lots and in the stores. Now I don't have to. No one to talk me into anything I don't want, no alarm clocks going off at ridiculous hours, and no driving around forever trying to park. All the deals and none of the fuss!
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