This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves
to be my disciples. John 15:8

My Routine

>> Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I used to be very successful at getting my children and I out the door in the morning for whatever was on the agenda. Considering my husband leaves for work at 5:30 am, this has always been a task that I tackle on my own. During the school year, we have two playgroups and a Bible study every week, not to mention any playdates, zoo dates, doctors appointments, visit to grandparents, you name it....we are there and we are annoyingly punctual. I had our routine down and was very good at multi-tasking my way through the morning, getting 3 individuals bathed, fed, dressed, packed up and out the door.

Lately my routine has gone by way of the garbage. Two events have occurred that have rocked my punctual world. The first was this blog. Try as I may, I can not seem to leave in the morning without posting something on this blog. This takes up valuable time that was never part of the routine before. The second event was moving the baby into the nursery. Mark and I have committed that no matter how many times the baby wakes us up or how early Elijah announces that his brother is in his room, we are going to push through and DO THIS! It makes it so much harder to get myself ready before the kids get up when they are getting up WAY too early. Fortunately the only thing we have on the agenda this week are our morning walks, which require from me no level of cuteness.

So my hope is that this is all going to work itself out this week. That Elijah will just get over the excitement of having his brother in his room and that I will just get over the excitement of having a blog! Hopefully then we can get back to the routine. If not, I may be coming up with a new routine.


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